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Our Services

The best should always be standard

For us, well-being is about more than just taking care of immediate medical needs. It’s about putting the smooth in Smuuth Care the entire time you’re with us. Our huge network of hospitals, emergency transport providers and trusted colleagues allow us to specifically arrange for a patient’s needs all the way from one hospital bed to another.

Due to our crews many years of experience and education making them absolute specialists in their area, it is possible for us to handle multiple critical or complicated patients at the same time. This means that we have the ability to fly two different missions at the same time. We are used to handle both the practics and logistics for different interests on the same flight. Also this can give som advantages on both the pricing and environmentally. 

Neonatal transports may be the most delicate cases in the industry. That’s why we’ve chosen to invest heavily in specialized medical staff, best-in-class equipment and a huge network of leading partners over the years. These investments and our acquired expertise now allow us to provide optimal neonatal care for even the absolute rarest cases of prematurely born children.

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. It’s a technique that’s as hard to get right as it it’s hard to to read. That’s why our ECMO-team consists of only doctors from Scandinavia’s leading ECMO facility, making the delicate matter of handling a patient in dire need of oxygen just another job. But a job we always have 4 dedicated men on.

We at SmuuthCare are delighted to introduce our latest technological addition, Portable Isolation Unit Transports.

This will allow us to provide completely isolated transport of patients exposed to a highly infectious disease such as COVID-19.

As with everything we do, we aim to put the smooth in SmuuthCare by:

  • Providing worldwide transport – Being able to handle all imaginable cases – including ICU-patients 
  • Providing fast, efficient custom solutions to every unique case 
  • Handling the entire transport from A to Z to safety 
  • Solving all problems with a can-do attitude

Don’t hesitate to request your custom-tailored transport by calling our always-open Operations Control Center on +45 76 500 112 or write us at [email protected]

Ambulance missions
Years of flying experience
Patients transported

A crew that you can count on

Meet our amazing crew of pilots and medical crew telling their stories about the hard parts
& and the most amazing parts of their jobs and watch them on the go as they are called
out to an emergency transport

Our Doctors are all Anaestesiologist and Intensive Care specialists with 8 years experience as specialists.

All have Advanced Life Support (ALS) and ATLS. As well as PHTLS.

Nurses are all experienced in anesthesiology with a minimum of 10 years of experience in the medical field

Most doctors have training in pediatric life support as well.

Request a transport

Fill out the form to make an inquiry on a transport, and we will get back to as soon as possible.
For urgent transports please call: +45 76 500 112